The Imperial Strata

Nestled on a sprawling six acres and surrounded by snow-capped mountain views, The Imperial is believed to be one of the finest townhome communities in South Surrey or at least on Mountain View Drive.

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Taylor Jones

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Photo by Mert Guller on Unsplash


Many units have experienced issues with rodents getting into garages and beyond. There are a couple of easy things that can be done.

From Under The Siding

A mouse was observed climbing right up the concrete to get in behind the siding of a unit. It’s highly recommended that some Copper Mesh be purchased and installed to block this access.


The garage is the easiest point of entry for mice because the developer did an inadequate job of sealing things up. A mouse can squeeze through a 1/4” gap. During the day, go into your garage with the door closed and the lights off. Do you see any light around the edges of the garage door?

A simple vinyl garage door seal can be installed along the exterior edge of the garage door. Here’s a video for a similar product which describes the process. Note that you will need to first make an Alteration Request. You will be supplied with a paint code so that the seal matches the garage trim of your unit.

You can also consider setting some mouse traps in the garage. Place them along the walls, and bait them with peanut butter. Traditional traps make disposal much easier than the sticky sheets since you’re not left with a still-alive mouse.

mouse trap

Carefully examine your garage itself. Many units have large gaps at the bottom of the drywall adjacement to the house where mice can easily enter and access other parts of the house. Consider installing some rodent-proof wire mesh or baseboard to fully seal these access points.

Patio Access

The other point of entry that seems common in some units is under the kitchen patio. The developer (TM Crest) left large gaps in the area above the patio soffits, and mice can and have found their way into our homes through these gaps. It is a relatively easy job to seal these gaps with some expanding foam. Click on the pictures below to get an idea of what these gaps look like.


Some units have pillars outside the garage or front areas, and many of these have openings at the bottoms. While pest control companies may suggest these are points of entry, there has yet been any evidence to suggest this is the case. In fact, some early construction photos show solid-wall attachment points. That said, there’s no harm to installing some rodent wire mesh at the base, and this is an inexpensive thing to do.