The Imperial Strata

Nestled on a sprawling six acres and surrounded by snow-capped mountain views, The Imperial is believed to be one of the finest townhome communities in South Surrey or at least on Mountain View Drive.

Contact Info
Strata Agent:
Taylor Jones

+1-604-594-5643 ext X224

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Plumbing and Waste Processing

Important Plumbing Information

Imperial is serviced by an on-site pump station. All waste water is processed through this station, and so it is very important that your home does not flush or drain anything that will cause a problem for this station.

To date, we have had two incidents where the pump station has gone into alarm, and both times it was due to people flushing items such as sanitary wipes and feminine hygiene products down the toilet.

The only things that should be flushed are:

  • Human waste
  • Toilet Paper

Please use your garbage for anything else not in this list.

Each time the alarm has gone off, it has been in the middle of the night. The alarm is very loud and disruptive to anyone nearby. Servicing the pump station costs the strata thousands of dollars, so it is in everyone’s best interest to follow these simple rules.


If the alarm is sounding, please call Davin's Emergency Response. Residents MUST NOT contact service companies directly nor should they be touching the equipment.

If it's the middle of the night, there is a silence alarm button on the side of the pump station. Press this to silence the alarm, but Davin still needs to be contacted.


Some suggested vendors for repairs and maintenance are: