The Imperial Strata

Nestled on a sprawling six acres and surrounded by snow-capped mountain views, The Imperial is believed to be one of the finest townhome communities in South Surrey or at least on Mountain View Drive.

Contact Info
Strata Agent:
Taylor Jones

+1-604-594-5643 ext X224

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Smoking at Imperial

Smoking at Imperial

Imperial is non-smoking in all common and limited common areas

Smoking is a touchy subject when it comes to neighbourhood living. The smell of cigarette smoke can be carried by the wind a pretty far distance, and many people are highly sensitive to it.

If you are a smoker, we mainly ask that you please be considerate of your neighbours.

  • Take your cigarette butts with you; discarding butts on the street/sidewalk/grass is unsightly and potentially hazardous.
  • Consider going for a short walk when having a cigarette to allow the smoke to dissipate over a greater area.
  • Check in with your neighbours to make sure their peace of life is not being disrupted by the cigarette smell. If it is, please take greater measures to make things more comfortable.

A portable ashtray can easily be kept by your door so you can easily and safely dispose of your cigarette butts. Here are two affordable options from Amazon:

Imperial has a Bylaw 41 with respect to smoking:

41. Smoking

(1) An owner, tenant, occupant or visitor must not smoke tobacco, marijuana (except as permitted by bylaw 39(4) or any similar organic substance nor use an e-cigarette or other vaporizer:

  • (a) in the amenities building;
  • (b) on the exterior common property within 7.5 meters of any window, entrance door or air in-take vent (including on a patio, deck or balcony).
  • (c) on any portion of the exterior common or limited common property, including patios, decks, balconies and yards;

(2) An owner, tenant, occupant or visitor who, within a strata lot:

  • (a) smokes tobacco, marijuana or any similar organic substance; or
  • (b) uses an e-cigarette or other vaporiser

must not permit the smoke, odour or vapours to escape their strata lot such that it can be smelled by another resident.